May the Name of the Lord be praised; now and forevermore! Often I ponder upon the Lord's commandment to go out into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature. And how are we to accomplish such a great commission? We must submit and be docile to the Holy Spirit. For it is in obedience to God's Word and through humility that we are to become effective instruments of God's mercy and love. And it is by His thorny crown and His cross upon which He bled that we are obliged and commanded to share the wonderful truth to all those around us. And how are we to share this truth that Jesus Christ entrusted to us? It is only through humility, (the mother of all virtues), and love (the greatest of all) that we may become, even though unworthily so, effective instruments of the Lord's message. And if any one helps his brother to turn from the path of error and ungodliness, then not only does he save a soul from death, but also cover a multitude of sins. I have also come to know that my actions often times speak louder than my words. So, as Jesus has left us example of love and forgiveness, so we also must do! And as we await with hope and joy the wondrous feast of Pentecost, let us ponder on the twelve virtues of of Holy Spirit, which are written in the Holy Scriptures, these are their names: The first is love; the second is hope; the third is faith. The fourth is purity; the fifth is virginity; the sixth is peace. The seventh is wisdom; the eighth is righteousness; the ninth is meekness. The tenth is patience; the eleventh is longsuffering; and the twelfth is asceticism. I greet you all with a warm embrace and a holy kiss. Please keep me in your prayers.
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